Bin-Sense Plus FAQs
When was Bin-Sense Plus released? April 2023. How often does a Bin-Sense Plus site/Automation Hub call in? Every 5 minutes (5 minutes, 20 seconds to be exact). In contrast, a Bin-Sense Live master calls in every 68 minutes. How does Bin-Sense Plus syStem get power? The Automation Hub needs to be plugged in to AC […]
Bin-Sense Solo
For Bin-Sense Solo User Manual, please click here. Overview The Solo unit is used to automatically read up to four sensing cables once daily and send grain condition information to the Bin-Sense Mobile app using a cellular connection. Each bin to be monitored requires the installation of one Solo unit. Two different versions of Solo […]
Bin-Sense Direct Not Pairing with Mobile Device
Troubleshooting Follow these troubleshooting steps if you are having difficulties pairing your mobile device with Bin-Sense Direct. Ensure the phone OS is up to date Android: At least Android 10 iOS: At least V10 Confirm there are working batteries in the Direct unit Note that Direct unit S/N will not show up in the device’s […]